Internal Profile The Internal profile, sometimes called the Underlying or Pressure profile, reflects the person’s true motivations and desires. This is the type of behaviour that often appears when an individual is placed under pressure.
Three Profile Shapes

A DISC test produces not just one, but three, distinct profile shapes: the Internal, the External and the Summary. These are based on analyses of different sets of answers, and each describes a different aspect of a person’s behaviour. Each profile shape will come to the fore in a certain type of situation.
The External profile describes a person's perceptions of the type of behaviour they should ideally project. Also known as the Mask or Work style, this shape usually represents the type of behaviour that an individual will typically adopt at work. External Profile
Summary Profile In reality, people will usually act in ways consistent with elements from both the other types. The Summary profile is a combination of the other two profiles, describing a person's likely normal behaviour.